Photo: Osprey Graphic Design
C.I.B Dt. Ch. (VDH) Dt. Vet. Ch. (VDH) DK SE Ch. NORD JW-11
(Bubbleton Birthday Bandit x Impeccable First and Foremost)
HD A, eyes and patella clear, DM clear
BPH 2013.09.07 (41 cms)
Landessiegerin Thüringen -16, Siegerin Hannover -17, VDH Annual Trophy Winner -17,
Sieger Rostock -18, Veteransieger Hannover -19, VDH Annual Trophy Veteran Winner -19,
KfUH Klubschau-Veteranen-Sieger -19
Den Martha-Schleu-Pokal als erfolgreischster Puli (andersfarbig) des Jahre 2019
(Klub f Ungarische Hirtehunden)
Olga is a tall, sensitive and feminine bitch who loves the great outdoors where she can jump from
boulder to boulder, throw herself over fallen trees, roll in the snow or walk straight through the puddles.
No cares in the world. She is extremely agile, with excellent proportions and of fantastic type.
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