Kinga shows


Show results in selection:

Gothenburg IDS 2019   CAC Crufts Q (T. Borkowski, PL)

Svk FUR Torpa 2019   CAC JBIS1 (A. Edoff, SE)

Norrköping NDS 2019   CAC JBIS1 & BOG3 (Jasna Matejcic, CRO)

Crufts, UK 2020   3rd Open class (Mr. Alan K. Rathband, GB)

Herning, DK 2021   CAC (B. Siegstad, DK)

Kassel II, DE 2021   V1 CAC CACIB BOB BOG2 (J. Wauben, NL)

Groningen, NL 2023   CAC CACIB BOB (Simon Rooney, IE)

Vänersborg NoDS  2023   NoCAC BOB BOG3 (György Tesics, HU)

Ljungskile NDS 2023   BOB BOG2 (Markus Gisslén, SE)

Eckerö IDS, FI 2023   CAC CACIB BOB (Anders Tunold-Hanssen, NO)

Leeuwarden I, NL  2023   CAC CACIB BOB (Johnny Andersson, SE)

Leeuwarden II, NL 2023   2 x CAC CACIB BOB BOG4 (Rob Douma, NL)

KHKG I Köge, DK 2024   BOB BIS1 (Anna Kochan, PL)

KHKG II Köge, DK  2024   BOB BIS2 (Terje Lindström, NO)

110th IDS, LU 2024   CACL CACIB BOB Crufts Q (Rob Douma, NL)

SvkFUR Specialty Landskrona 2024   BOB BIS1 (Kati Taipele, FI)

Tvååker 2024   CACIB BOS SE W-24  (Vija Klucniece, LV)

Koszalin/ Czaplinek IDS, PL 2024  CWC/CAC  Crufts Q BOB BOG4 (Milan Plundra, CZ)

Koszalin/ Czaplinek NDS, PL 2024  CWC/CAC (Pero Celebic, XM)

SGVK Motala 2025  BOB BIS2 (P. Junehall, SE)

"2 yr old black in lovely order, 2/3 1/3 head, correct bite, dark in eye and pigment,

nice shape, well bodied, good muscle tone, moving well, just needs time."

(Crufts 2020)

"High quality, with excellent proportions and outline, good skull, correct bite, well angulated,

moves typical for the breed, excellent coat and condition." (J.  Andersson)

 "Top quality. Square outline. Very lovely champion bitch. Breed type shouting. Very lovely

head and expression. Correct bite. Good neck. Very well constructed body with typical

angulations around.  Good  bone and feet. Typical cords. She moves very typical allover.

Be proud of her. Excellent." (R. Douma)

Photo: Osprey Graphic Design