Honey shows

Photo: Osprey Graphic Design


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My Dog 2 Gothenburg 2016   CAC Crufts Q (Teixeira Luis Pinto, PO)

KHKG II Köge, DK 2016   CAC BOS JBIS2 (Shaun Watson, CY)

Växjö IDS 2017   BOB (Mrs. Greenwood, AUS)

Ljungskile NDS 2018   BOB BOG4 (Nils Molin, SE)

KfUH Horn-Bad Meinberg, DE 2019   V1 BOB BIS (Uwe Nölke, DE)

Crufts, UK 2022   4th Veteran class (Mrs. Cartledge, UK)

Groningen, NL 2023   res-CAC VCAC FCI-CACIB-V (Simon Rooney, IE)

Tvååker NDS 2023  BOB BVIS1 (John Sheppard, AUS)

Askersund IDS 2023  BOB FCI-CACIB-V BVIS1 (Mikael Nilsson, SWE)

Vejen IDS 2023   BOS FCI-CACIB-V Crufts Q  (Tino Pehar, CRO)

Växjö IDS 2023   FCI-CACIB-V BVIS3 (John-John Johnson, SE)

Leeuwarden I, NL 2023   res-CAC VCAC FCI-CACIB-V Best Veteran (J. Andersson, SE)

Leeuwarden II, NL 2023   CAC VCAC FCI-CACIB-V Best Veteran (R. Douma, NL) 

SGVK Ljungskile 2024 Best Veteran BVIS1 (Gunnar Nymann, DK) 

Koszalin/ Czaplinek IDS, PL 2024    Veteran Winner  (Milan Plundra, CZ)

Koszalin/ Czaplinek NDS, PL 2024 Veteran Winner BOS (Pero Celebic, MX)

Eckerö IDS, FI 2024  VCAC FCI-CACIB-V Best Veteran (Robert Kotlar, HU)

"Well-balanced feminine 2-year-old Puli. Correct bitch with good pigmentation. Balanced muzzle to scull. Medium sized, dark brown eyes. Correct ear shape and set. A well muscled neck into a level topline. With

slightly sloping croup ending in the correct set of the tail. Correct front angulation. Dept of brisket slightly less than half height of withers. Strong, well constructed hind quarters. Lively and spirited gait. Level topline on the move. Correct rounded feet."  (Mrs. Greenwood, AUS )

"3 ½ jährige, wunderschöne und ausdrucksstarke Hündin, die in allen Details

dem Standard entspricht. Sie hat ein wunderschönes Puligangwerk, wunderschönes, rassetypisches

Haarkleid, vollzahniges Scherengebiss" (Frau A. Schmidt, DE )

"8,5 year old puli female, all I can say is excellent all over. Very good body." (John Sheppard, AUS)

"Härlig helhet. Utm. silhuett i stående & gående. Vackert huvud. Starka käkar. Utm. front. Utm. form på bröstkorgen. Fast & muskulös. Utm. päls i härligt skick. Typiska rörelser med fast rygg & rätt hållning.

Bästa veteran." (Mikael Nilsson, SWE)

"Nearly nine. Lovely veteran bitch. She is correct in size and square built. Very lovely expressive head.

Dark eye. Correct bite. Good neck. Very well bodied. Typical angulations around. Good bone and feet.

Lovely cords. Moves typical and is well presented. Excellent." (R. Douma)