Breeding philosophy




Our breeding philosophy is reflected in the kennel name. In our breeding we like to aim for the sky - and perhaps we'll reach the ceiling! We believe it is better than aiming for the ceiling and stay on the floor...


We'd like Pulis from us to be versatile and healthy - always

of good type and with a pleasant & sound character.


Our Pulis are health tested -

hips, eyes (before breeding and once when they are + 6 years old), patella - and we also test for DM.


We expose our Pulis' character by either doing a MH (Mentality test) or BPH (Behaviour and Personality test), which are official character tests. The results are available to view in the Swedish Kennel Club's (SKK) open register.


When and if the opportunity comes, we also like to test our Pulis' herding instinct and animal interest. Pulis from us needs to function well in today's society but we are also keen to keep in touch with the breed's rich history and to try and protect their original features. The Puli originates in Hungary where they have been herding and guarding livestock for many thousands years.


We also attend dog shows, not only as a nice pastime, but as a valuable guidance in our breeding. As a breeder there is always a risk of seeing what you want to see and only focus on the positive qualities... which is why we appreciate and value the objective judging according to the breed standard by various judges and breed specialists.


Planning for a litter is a lengthy process and always has a somewhat egoistic aim. It is only when we feel we have the time and room for a promising offspring that we have a litter. Our puppy plans can be viewed under the tab 'Puppies'.













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