Our kennel

Photo: Osprey Graphic Design

Here at Kennel Impeccable we aim for the stars. Even when we miss, we land on the moon. We follow the Swedish Kennel Club's regulations, rules and recommendations ( www.skk.se/sjalvklart). Our dogs' coats

and welfare are taken care of with great help, advice and products from e.g.  #plushpuppy.de #botaniqa.eu  #alwaysyourfriend #agria #royalcanin and  www.lyckansfit4dogs.se .  Thank you osprey_graphic_design for fantastic photo work!

Interested in a puli from us or want to know more about the breed, us or our dogs? Please send us an e-mail, come and meet us IRL (at a dog show or here in Getinge) or check in here from time to time for puppy plans

or rehomings. We reserve the right to choose puppy buyers, which is done after an initial personal meeting.

We do not sell puppies via phone or e-mail.

Marianne Nyman & Stefan Ernstsson

Örnakull 224

305 77 Getinge, Sweden


+ 46 703 854628